Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ten things you must know to be an awesome person

We all want to know the secret to being the awesomest ( yes that's a word...maybe) person in the world. You meet someone in the street and you say to yourself, "Man, that persons awesome! How did they get so awesome?" Well my friend, I have the answers.

10) Know when to use the word F@ck.

Yes, that's right my friend. This is a powerful word, and when used correctly, can seriously boost your awesomeness. Don't overly use the
word. In fact almost never say that word, except when your in a heated argument. For example, when your arguing with someone and they really piss you off, that's the time to use it. Say it like this, "You know what? F@ck you! F@ck you man!"

9) Have a signature meal that you know how to cook. Really well.

A person who knows how to cook many meals is cool. But a person who knows how to cook three signature dishes (appetizer, entree and dessert) is awesome! You only have to learn three dishes really well, and tell people they are your signature dish. And you'll be famous for them.

8) Learn a cool hobby

The key word here is "cool". That excludes anything having to do with stamps or bugs. Trust me on this. You want to learn something cool. For example, I'm a musician. I play the keyboard/piano and I'm in a band at my church. Being a musician is a cool hobby. Learn to paint, play guitar, sing, sculpt, fix cars, etc. You get the point.

7) Be a rock climber. (have a cool story)

Ever heard of that guy that went rock climbing and got his arm stuck under a boulder, and in order to escape had to chop it off? That guy is f@ckin awesome! Why? Because he has the coolest story in the world to tell. Somewhere in your life you've had a bizarre, weird, cool, and eccentric experience. Let people know about it. It makes you interesting.

6) Learn how to say at least 3 phrases in French.

French is one of the coolest languages in the world. It's romantic, smooth, and rolls off the tongue beautifully. Learn three phrases in French. One phrase describing how beautiful someone or something is. One phrase to be used at a French restaurant. And one phrase that is used to introduce yourself. You're awesomeness meter will be off the scale.

5) Know how to have fun.

There's nothing more boring than a person who doesn't know when it's time to have fun. Going to a party or club? Dance, dammit, dance! Don't be worry about how you look, or what other people are thinking. Just have fun! I guarantee you everyone will want a piece of you.

4) Find your funny!

In a survey 100 women and men were asked how important is it that the people they hang our with are funny. 75 percent of women, and 80 percent of men said it was pretty dam important. So it can be safely concluded that in order to have an ounce of awesomeness, you have to find your funny. Now am I saying you have to be the next Jim Carry? No. Be yourself when you're being funny. Whether that means being sarcastic, clever, witty, a little bit of a jerk. Just find your funny.

3) Know how to dress.

You must know how to dress. Awesomeness requires style. The argument has always been, comfort vs. style. Many people choose comfort. The problem with that is, now you have to look good in what's comfortable. And usually that's not always easy. So it's all about balance. Find clothes that suit who you are, are relatively comfortable, and look awesome on you. Formula?
You + comfort/style = awesome

2) Know what's going on.

When someone asks you, "Hey, what do you think about the new health bill our black president just signed?" And you say, "We have a black president?!" you might as well say goodbye to any and all awesomeness that you've aquired. You know how they say knowledge equals power? They got it wrong. Knowledge equals Awesomeness. Being able to have an intelligent conversation about current events in the world makes you a kick ass person. It shows you're smart and that you give a crap about what's going on.

NUMBER ONE!!!!! (and this is a big one)

Be yourself. Be nothing more and nothing less. Be yourself to the fullest. Because at the end of the day it doesn't matter how funny you are, how smart you are, or how well dressed you are. If people don't know YOU for who YOU are, then what's the point? ;)

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